Memorial Day: Let Us Always Remember Those Who Sacrified!

Happy Memorial Day from adr Business & Marketing Strategies

So what exactly is Memorial Day?

Is it just a day off, set aside to grill out and enjoy the day with family and friends in a relaxing atmosphere?  Well, it is much more than that.

I was reminded as we watched TV over the weekend with so many military movies commemorating the sacrifices of so many.  With battle and bloodshed, so many Americans have sacrificed their lives, health and families so that we may live in a free country we call America.  War is an ugly thing.  There is nothing glamorous about it.

Memorial Day is actually a day each year that we remember those who died in active military service.

We have no idea of the actual suffering and pain that each American endured in battle.  We watch TV and see war and conflict in other countries, but have no idea of what it would be like to be actually there in the middle of it.

America is the beautiful free country we live in and enjoy, but freedom is far from free.

Let us thank each one that made the ultimate sacrifice of their live so that we may enjoy our freedom and promise to never forget the price that was paid.

Thank you and Happy Memorial Day to Everyone!